So I've finally got my Palm V. I can sync my appointments with the
 CDE calendar manager no problem, as Sun thoughtfully include a
 PDAsync tool in Solaris 8, but curiously missing from their supplied
 set of conduits is BBDB support :-)

 I ignored all the previous messages about this before (as I didn't
 have a Palm), but I've managed to track down

 bbdb-pilot.el  by Tom Fawcett. Looks to be a one-way thing and needs
                                pilot-link to work. by Dinesh G Dutt.

 Now I've tried bbdbSync and it almost works, before I start hacking
 at it to solve the bugs, does anyone know of a newer version, or an
 even better tool ?

   1. Doesn't understand non-US postcodes so all addresses get thrown
      away. (Non US postcodes are stored as a list of strings instead
      of a single string. No I don't know why - seems like a lot of
      effort to go to for no gain at all.)
   2. Mangles some phone numbers.  
      Any that have an area code in parentheses lose everything except 
      the area code.
      Others get spaces replaced by `-', making them look odd to me.
   3. Only supports BBDB format version 3 (which I'm still using)
   4. Entries from the Palm go into .bbdb.sync, but not .bbdb (or is
      that intentional ? There's not much in the way of documentation.)
   5. I can't replace my .bbdb with .bbdb.sync as it has lost *all* of
      my user-fields (www attribution signature mail-alias pgp-mail
      and others)

Kevin Davidson                             Decisionhouse Systems Group
Quadstone Limited 16 Chester Street,  Edinburgh,   Scotland,   EH3 7RA
Tel: +44 (0)131 220 4491                      Fax: +44 (0)131 220 4492

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