On Friday, September 8 2000 01:06:45, Sridhar Boovaraghavan wrote:
> I am using a recent copy of BBDB from CVS and VM 6.76 in Emacs 20.7.
> I have set the option for BBDB not to automatically add addresses that
> it encounters. Given that, how do I make it add addresses that it sees
> in a VM message? I know that I can add the sender using ';'. Is it
> possible for it to scan the recipients to add their addresses
> manually?
You may snarf addresses of headers other than the "From" by
calling `bbdb/vm-snarf-all', which searches the headers
listed in `bbdb/vm-snarf-all-headers'.
Th other option is to set `bbdb/vm-get-only-first-from-p' to
nil which results in listing/updating all the people listed in

Bye Robert

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