On October 27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Now, disconcertinly, bbdb-use-pop-up doesn't seem to be paid attention 
> to.  Whenever I start VM, I end up with a summary buffer and a VM
> buffer, when I expect a summary buffer and a message buffer.

If you've been following the VM newsgroup(s) recently, you'll have
seen me discuss a side-effect of this same problem with
Kyle. Essentially what's happening is that BBDB is using a popup
window, and VM is then applying its own window manager code. This
produces, in one configuration, what appears to be a bug in SOMEONE's
window handling, which is what I was trying to solve. Probably the
best setup you can have is to disable the popup behaviour, and set up
VM window configurations which include a BBDB buffer. Recent versions
of BBDB have code in place to remove empty windows from the display,
so when there are no records to display, your BBDB buffer should

I'm still not happy with this as a solution, btw. You should be able
to get the popup to happily coexist with VM. Either that, or I'm going
to have to force popup off if bbdb-vm is loaded, and switch it back on
again for Gnus or whatever, which is less than appealing.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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