Rod Whitby wrote:
> The first part of the patch makes the bbdb-extract-field function stop
> at the start of the real message (i.e. past any pseudo-headers such as
> "Archive-name:") instead of at the formal start of the message.

I think this is a bad idea.  Lots of people forward messages such that their
headers look like this:

  From: Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Whitby)
  Subject: fwd
  From: some weenie
  To: some other weenie
  Subject: something else
  the forwarded message body

Clearly this is about as low tech a forwarding method as one can get, but a
lot of people do it.  It would be very, very wrong for BBDB to act on the
contents of the forwarded message.

This is why those "pseudo headers" that losers like Jonathan Kamens have
demanding that people use are a completely broken idea.  There's a reason that
message headers are structured data, and that there is a mechanism (X- fields)
for putting extra junk in there.  Putting data *about* the message *inside*
the message is just a completely broken idea.

I gather that the reason afformentioned losers hit on this idea is that there
is even more broken software out there that deletes header fields, even though
all the relevant RFCs assert that this is something that you should never do.
That's the Unix philosophy in action: don't fix the problem, just break
everything else in the same way.

        -- Jamie

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