I wrote:

    Rod> The first part of the patch makes the bbdb-extract-field
    Rod> function stop at the start of the real message (i.e. past any
    Rod> pseudo-headers such as "Archive-name:") instead of at the
    Rod> formal start of the message.

Jamie writes:

    Jamie> I think this is a bad idea.  Lots of people forward
    Jamie> messages such that their headers look like this:

    Jamie>   From: Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Jamie>   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Whitby)
    Jamie>   Subject: fwd
    Jamie>   From: some weenie
    Jamie>   To: some other weenie
    Jamie>   Subject: something else
    Jamie>   the forwarded message body

Good point.  I didn't think of that.  I certainly agree that you
shouldn't break BBDB to take into account some other broken behaviour.

I still want to get at that "Archive-name: " pseudo-header, though.  I
guess the only way for me to do this is to set fieldval to the message
body when a magic field is named in the auto-notes-alist, and then use
the user-supplied function that I added as the second part of my patch
to extract the relevant part of the fieldval (i.e. extract out the
"Archive-name: " pseudo-header).

Jamie, do you intend to include the second part of the patch in BBDB
distribution (the part that allows the STRING field of the
auto-notes-alist record to be a string, integer or function) ?

If so, I will hack some more on the extract-field function to return
the message body contents when a magic field is requested (is "Body" a
good name for the magic field ?  Can you suggest a better name ?).

Is this the way I should go about this ?  Anyone have a better way to
get at the message body ?

--------------------------------------------- _--_|\  |
Rod Whitby ([EMAIL PROTECTED])    /      \ |
Canon Information Systems Research Australia \_.--._/ |
1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde, N.S.W., 2113.     v  |

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