>>>>> I recently wrote:

    Mats> My bbdb has grown quite a lot since I started to use it. So
    Mats> I would like to delete some of the records in order to bring
    Mats> down its size.  Unfortunately doing it by hand is very
    Mats> slow. Ideas are welcome.

Huh... No ideas came in. When I wrote this I had a little below 1000
entries in my bbdb. In the few weeks that has passed since then it has
grown to above 1100 entries. Yes. This is really getting out of hand.

Deleting selectively from the *BBDB* buffer is to slow. Editing the
bbdb-file has not been recommended in the past but deleting complete
entries might be failsafe?

    Mats> Now the task given above might have no good solution but I
    Mats> would like to prepare better for the future. So how are you
    Mats> doing this. Will timestamp, creation-date or anything else
    Mats> help me. Ideas are welcome here too.

Well I could live with my first problem (I would just delete the bbdb
and start from scratch) if I had an idea how to maintain the bbdb in
the long run. If I don't find any solution I guess I will have to
avoid automatic inclusion from all mailing lists and just add the
personal mails or go manual all together. Is this how you are doing it
out there?

Finally one idea from me though: If the entries are time-stamped
(There is a way to get this already I think!?) and the once you want
to keep are marked as precious somehow. This could be manual or based
on some action like a personal reply from you or whatever you might
find useful. With this information an e-lisp function could probably
be devised to clean up the bbdb from old unreferenced entries. Maybe
that would suffice to keep the bbdb down in size. Anyone done this

%% Mats

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