>>>>> Jack recently wrote:

    Jack> I find that I can reasonably describe large groups of
    Jack> entries that I want to keep, but the remainder is a mixed
    Jack> bag of keepers and trash, and I pretty much have to deal
    Jack> with them one by one .... 

[ and ]

    Jack> But I am curious: what regular expression (or what other
    Jack> simple means) describes the entries you want to junk?

Well if I knew this there would be no problem I guess (except coding

The way I see it there are things I want to keep, things I don't know
if I should delete, things I think I should delete, but really
shouldn't, and junk. I think I know how bbdb can help me with the
first and last item. The solution is to go manual or to device some
regular expressions etc based on some hard criteria that keeps down
the volume or to do both.

I have no solution today for the fuzzy middle part but it would be
interesting if bbdb could provide a few building blocks for this.
Something I would start of with might be:

                not used in three months        and
                no notes field                  and
                not manually inserted (':', ';', or bbdb-create)
                remove it.

Half as good would be to be able to list entries in the *BBDB* buffer
based on these criteria. Maybe the "not used in three months" can be
done today already?

%% Mats

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