Hi list,

when I read an article of a known poster, I'd like a
elided bbdb buffer to pop up (this works of course)
with the 'notes' field near the top of the buffer
(this doesn't work).
The variable descriptions say 'notes' have a low weight anyway, but 
that doesn't seem to affect my elided display.
Still I'd like to have full bbdb records displayed when
issuing `M-x bbdb RET REGEXP RET'.

I have "BBDB version 2.2 ($Date: 2001/01/24 23:14:00 $)"
and below is the output of a `grep bbdb .emacs' 

I appreciate any comments

 '(bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil)
 '(bbdb-sounds-directory "/linuxpc1/michaelh/.bbdb-sounds")
 '(bbdb-completion-type (quote name))
 '(bbdb-notice-auto-save-file t)
 '(bbdb/gnus-summary-known-poster-mark "X")
 '(bbdb/mail-auto-create-p (quote bbdb-ignore-most-messages-hook))
 '(gnus-exit-gnus-hook (quote (bbdb-save-db)))
 '(bbdb-pop-up-target-lines 7)
 '(bbdb-user-mail-names ".*michael_hanke*")
 '(bbdb-ignore-most-messages-alist (quote (("To" . "michael_hanke\\\\|michaelh"))))
 '(bbdb-sound-volume 0)
 '(bbdb-change-hook (quote (bbdb-timestamp-hook)))
 '(bbdb-default-area-code 241)
 '(bbdb-notice-hook (quote (bbdb-auto-notes-hook)))
 '(gnus-extra-headers (quote (bbdb/gnus-lines-and-from To Newsgroups X-Newsreader)))
 '(bbdb/gnus-summary-prefer-bbdb-data nil)
 '(bbdb-ignore-some-messages-alist (quote (("From" . "root@"))))
 '(bbdb-pop-up-elided-display (quote (net creation-date timestamp aka)) t)
 '(bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil)
 '(gnus-startup-hook (quote (bbdb-insinuate-gnus)))
 '(bbdb-elided-display nil)
 '(bbdb-electric-p nil)
 '(bbdb-pop-up-elided-display-fields (quote (net addresses)))
 '(bbdb/gnus-score-default 50)
 '(bbdb/gnus-summary-prefer-real-names nil)
 '(bbdb-always-add-addresses nil)
 '(bbdb-use-alternate-names t)
 '(bbdb-print-alist (quote ((omit-area-code . "^(241) ") (phone-on-first-line . "^[    
 ]*$") (ps-fonts) (font-size . 6) (quad-hsize . "3.15in") (quad-vsize . "4.5in") 
(hoffset . "-2cm") (voffset . "-2cm"))))
 '(bbdb-print-prolog "%%%% ====== Phone/Address list in -*-TeX-*- Format =====
%%%%        produced by bbdb-print, version 3.0
 '(message-setup-hook (quote (bbdb-define-all-aliases)))
 '(bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches t)
 '(bbdb-print-full-alist (quote ((columns . 4) (separator . 2) (vsize . 28cm) (hsize . 
20cm) (font-size . 10) (include-files 
 '(bbdb-print-elide (quote (tex-name aka mail-alias creation-date timestamp net url 
last-subj mailer newsgroups pgp-mail)))
 '(bbdb/news-auto-create-p (quote bbdb-ignore-most-messages-hook))
 '(bbdb/gnus-summary-mark-known-posters nil)
 '(bbdb-print-file-name "/home/michaelh/tmp/bbdb.tex")
 '(bbdb-offer-save (quote savenoprompt))
 '(gnus-score-find-score-files-function (quote (gnus-score-find-bnews 
 '(bbdb-name ((t (:bold t :underline t))) t)
 '(bbdb-field-name ((t (:foreground "red3" :size "18" :bold t))) t)
(require 'bbdb)
;;(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'w3)
(setq  bbdb-auto-notes-alist   '( ("Organization"  (".*" company 0))
;;(load "bbdb-frame")
(define-key bbdb-mode-map "T" 'bbdb-toggle-separate-frame)
(define-key bbdb-mode-map "i" 'bbdb-iconify)
;;(define-key bbdb-mode-map "q" 'bbdb-quit-frame)
(require 'bbdb-pgp)
(load-library "bbdb-pgp")

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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