On Tuesday, February 6 2001 16:38:12, Michael Hanke wrote:
> when I read an article of a known poster, I'd like a
> elided bbdb buffer to pop up (this works of course)
> with the 'notes' field near the top of the buffer
> (this doesn't work).
> The variable descriptions say 'notes' have a low weight anyway, but 
> that doesn't seem to affect my elided display.
What variable do you speak of?

> Still I'd like to have full bbdb records displayed when
> issuing `M-x bbdb RET REGEXP RET'.
O.k. I'm tiered at them moment, so I might have
misunderstood something.

Could you try the following version of the function bbdb.

(defun bbdb (string elidep)
  "Display all entries in the BBDB matching the regexp STRING
in either the name(s), company, network address, or notes."
  (interactive "sRegular Expression for General Search: \nP")
  (let ((bbdb-elided-display (or bbdb-elided-display (and elidep t)))
        (notes (cons '* string)))
     (bbdb-search (bbdb-records) string string string notes nil))))
<- do a "C-x C-e" here

With bbdb-elided-display set to nil it should display
records like you want, except if you call it with prefix


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