[developer question, stop here if you're not familiar with bbdb internals!]
Anyone know offhand what I break by taking the company name out of
BBDB's hashtable? I can find one instance of setting it, and get-hash
calls that read it are only used to tell you you've got a duplicate -
which is wrong; A user named "Foo" and someone belonging to company
"Foo" are two distinct things. The reason I ask is that it's currently
causing BBDB to display the wrong record for me. It also seems to be
the Wrong Thing in that many records can have a company name, but only
one will actually end up in the hashtable, so there's no real
practical use for it other than to say "do we have this company?".

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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