On  Aug 28, 2001, Klaus Zeitler wrote:

> is there a way (like a regexp or some such) to remove additional text
> from user full names. I keep getting mails that contain user full names
> followed by text like:
> first_name last_name via the vacation program
> or also:
> first_name last_name via Hypernews at ...
> bbdb now always asks me if I want to change these sorry names or keep them as
> alternate ones.

It helps to know what version.  I found that 2.32 worked
okay but 2.33 (from the cvs tree) had some issues.  Look at
the value of bbdb-extract-address-component-regexps it's
what figures this out.  it calls bbdb-clean-username which
does what you want.  I also added a call to 
bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name which was in 2.32 but was
removed.  This function deals with outlook format names of
"last, first" so that you don't get asked about adding that
as an alternate.


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