Robert Fenk wrote:

> Follow the instructions on checking out the CVS tree
> But be aware that you will live on the bleeding edge then

There isn't really much alternative anymore.  The choice seems to be
either bleeding edge, or dulled rusty edge encrusted with dried blood;
when did we last have an actual 'release' which wasn't broken in at
least one major area of functionality?  

I know testing BBDB is hard, but I do think recent strands of
development have veered away from caution.  I'd really like to see a
period of consolidation.  I really like many of the the recent
features, and can't wait for them to work properly and be thoroughly
documented, as well as easier to switch on and off.  I wish I dared
upgrade more often; as it is the useful contribution I might make is
somewhat diminished.

One possibility I have toyed with (but not very seriously; if I had
the time and energy I could just fix all the new bugs as they arise,
couldn't I!) is of making a cut-down version of BBDB by throwing out
any functionality which seems to be superfluous (to me!), trying to
rewrite any implementation which seems to be too unmaintainable, and
putting some more serious effort into testing and defining the

Maybe a more practical course of action would be to split the
distribution into a bbdb core (with a stable API) and the rest?



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