On Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 00:24:28, Leo wrote:
> Hi there,
> In England, one usually needs to prefix the name with a title such
> as Prof. Stupid Head. If I miss the title "Prof.", Stupid Head
> usually thinks that I am rude.

What is he using in the From header?

Is it also like that if you miss it in the email address,
i.e. the To/CC headers?

> So I have tried to add the title to the name field. However, now in
> mail mode there is no completion for "Stupid <TAB>" and adding the
> title to name field is logically incorrect.

Complete on "Prof Stupid" and it should work.

Anyway, adding support for a title sounds reasonable, but it
will/might interfere during name comparison and I wonder how to
extract / detect them correctly.

> In vCard, the N type has Family Name, Given Name, Additional Names,
> Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes. I can not think of a
> name that can not be expressed in that format.

You can add what ever fields you like (C-o NEWFIELD RET),
e.g. also those, but ... 

> I wonder if we can extend bbdb to support that.

... I wonder what functionality you would want to bind to

> BTW, more and more I find bbdb can not record some info
> correctly. For example some contacts have work and personal 'www'
> and there is no easy way to indicate this in bbdb.

Add a new field www-home. 


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