Hi Uwe

I am sorry for the delayed reply.

> First of all I did not mean to attack you, sorry if I have
> caused that impression.

No problem, any feedback is appreciated!

>    > From bbdb home page it appears the code did not evolve
>    > for a long time (Jan 2007).
> That is correct. (Same was true for VM)
>    > I think Roland wrote bbbd 3.0 with the idea to remove
>    > some crufts, enhance the clarity of the code
>    > (function's description, etc.) 
> So far so good, I appreciate that effort
>    > and use more meaningful names.
> This, in my opinion, is a very bad idea.
> Taste is subjective and once names are chosen they become  a
> convention. To break backward compatibility deliberately has
> no benefit I can think off. 

I believe that these things cannot be seen independently. I believe
that a main reason why BBDB did not evolve anymore for quite some
time was related to the fact that its code had reached a stage that
made it very difficult for anyone to make any changes to it.
Initially, when I started with this project, I tried to keep the
code more backward compatible. Yet at some point, I realized that I
would not get anywhere with my attempts, unless I took more drastic
steps, i.e., the internals of BBDB have changed significantly.

> Well in that case defalias should be used for backward
> compatibility. 

When my updates of BBDB were in a pre-alpha stage and I did not yet
have a detailed roadmap where they would take me, I thought that
there was really not much of a point trying to continuously (at each
intermediate stage) preserve backward compatibility when it would
have been possible.

Now that the new code has reached a more mature stage, it could make
sense to look over it once more for things like defaliases.
(Yet this might require checking things more carefully, as I also
tried to make the behavior of BBDB more consistent both with respect
to differents parts of BBDB as well as compared with other packages
of emacs.)

Again, volunteers welcome!



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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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