On Tue Apr 5 2011 Leo wrote:
> This is completely a short in the dark.
> Perhaps BBDB can support (import/export, or even allow storing entries
> in it directly) 100% one external format (probably vcard or its XML
> derivative). A few years ago when I tried to write an exporter to vcard
> I have found the vcard format more comprehensive than bbdb's.

What do you have in mind?

I know rather little about vcard beyond that it exists. Over the
years, I have received maybe two or three emails that had a vcard
replacing the signature file. It appears kind of useful to have the
signature file replaced by something that is more easily parsable.
Yet this works only if people are actually using it, which doesn't
hold for my field. In that sense, something like vcards are lower on
my personal agenda. (I know yet less about "XML derivatives" that
you mentioned.)

However, while I do not know the details of such formats, I expect
that nonetheless it should not be too difficult to develop some code
to import / export bbdb records from / into these formats. I believe
I even once saw some code that allowed the old bbdb to interface
with vcard. Also, I expect that this should be possible using the
existing core functions of BBDB. In that sense, I see no need to
push such a thing quickly before the new BBDB goes into a feature
freeze. I assume that the changes I already introduced are
sufficiently general to allow such future developments.

On the other hand, I am not sure whether any elisp based BBDB-like
database would benefit from internally using a data format that was
significantly different from the BBDB format. I guess it's fair to
say that the BBDB format evolved into what we have today because
this is what elisp can handle most efficiently.


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