On Wed Feb 23 2011 Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> SM> Currently, the cycling code is fairly naive and it uses a fixed ordering
> SM> based on string length (shorter first).  Patches to make it more
> SM> customizable (by the completion table, not just by the end-user) would
> SM> be very welcome (e.g. for file completion, it could first cycle through
> SM> VCS-managed files).
> TZ> Maybe accept the score as a property to the candidate strings and use
> TZ> that property, if it exists, instead of the string length?
> TZ> That would side-step the current completion mechanism nicely, requiring
> TZ> little extra code except in the final sort of candidates.  If the
> TZ> strings aren't mangled by the completion mechanism, of course--but I
> TZ> don't think they are after a quick scan.
> Should I pursue this myself or are you guys (Stefan or Roland)
> interested in doing it?

It appears to me that any such things should be implemented as a
feature of the generic completion code of emacs. To the best of my
knowledge, this is something that Stefan has worked on a lot
(and done a great job!).

Yet I simply do not know his strategies. So I do not know how your
specific suggestion would relate to his plans.


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