While we're on the subject of features that won't be considered until
version 3 is finished, if ever…

I've been writing a small function to export BBDB records according to
an arbitrary text template. I'm running up against the problem that
there seems to be no generic "get the value of this field for this
record" function. Ie, something like (bbdb-field-value 'mail record) -->
"exam...@mail.com". To explain what I'm thinking, here's a totally
fictional macro call I'd like to make: 

(bbdb-export-register-template "my-template-name"
  "Record number %d: %s\n
   \tEmail: %s\n
   \tNotes: %s"
  bbdb-export-counter (upcase full-name) mail notes)

Anyway, you get the idea. Then you get the records you want in the
*BBDB* buffer, hit "bbdb-export", pick a registered export template, and
a temp buffer pops up with your text export. `bbdb-export-preamble',
`bbdb-export-postamble' and 'bbdb-export-record-separator' all do their

So you can see this would be much easier with a generic
`bbdb-field-value' function. What are the chances of that?

Also, does this seem like a good idea in general? I know that we're in
some kind of feature freeze, but this would also be relatively distinct
from the rest of the codebase, and if it's an attractive idea I'd be
happy to chew on it in my spare time. Some generic templates could be
included for common needs…


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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