On Mon Sep 26 2011 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> While we're on the subject of features that won't be considered until
> version 3 is finished, if ever 
> I've been writing a small function to export BBDB records according to
> an arbitrary text template. I'm running up against the problem that
> there seems to be no generic "get the value of this field for this
> record" function. Ie, something like (bbdb-field-value 'mail record) -->
> "exam...@mail.com". 

How about bbdb-record-get-field? I just noticed that at the end,
before throwing an error this function could also try to resolve
individual note fields (same for bbdb-record-set-field).

> Also, does this seem like a good idea in general? I know that we're in
> some kind of feature freeze, but this would also be relatively distinct
> from the rest of the codebase, and if it's an attractive idea I'd be
> happy to chew on it in my spare time. Some generic templates could be
> included for common needs 

Sounds useful to me.


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