On Mon Sep 26 2011 Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > "Direct editing" maybe similar to wdired-mode could be, indeed, a
> > great thing. -- Yet as I said: I'll postpone such dreams till BBDB 3
> > has been released.
> No!  I want it now!
> [...starts rolling on the floor screaming...]
> Now! now! now! now! now!!
>         Stefan "Damn adults!"

You want it now? Who cares about "now"??
-- Get it yesterday!

Now that it's been scientifically proven that the speed of light is
no boundary anymore, I could finally complete the missing piece in
the Emacs package elisp-dream.el. This will read your mind and
translate (with twice the speed of light) your deepest dreams
directly into elisp code. Actually, the code goes into yesterday's
backup of your hard drive.

To install elisp-dream.el, just dream about it and it will install
itself automatically. Note that the compiled version elisp-dream.elc
gives you some remarkable speed-ups. It even reads your mind when
your brain is off-line.


PS: Wait! You say you have dreams that cannot be coded in elisp??

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threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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