On Mon Sep 26 2011 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> Why not have separate minibuffer prompts for surname and given name?
> Many of my records are for Chinese people. Right now I can't be bothered
> separating out the characters for surname and given name, and usually
> they all get lumped into whatever default bbdb picks for names with no
> spaces. Separate prompts for surname and given name would solve this
> (and the surname prompt could say " or organization name", something
> like that).
> Or, if a syntax for splitting is introduced, perhaps it could indicate
> which side is the surname and which the given name, to make it easier to
> create records for cultures where surname comes first. I'm not bothered
> that the resulting name is displayed "backwards" (given name first), but
> it would be great if entry were made easier.
> My random suggestion: use "{" or "}" for the separator. The surname is
> the part that's "inside" the bracket. So:
> Eric{Abrahamsen
>  }  
> {Lucky Star Buffet Restaurant
> Bartók}Béla
> On second thought, if you did it this way, BBDB could "learn" from the
> parsing the proper display order of the name, and store that as a
> boolean with the name itself. Parsing would be a little more
> complicated, but this would provide for much more flexible
> customization.

Nice thoughts, thank you! 

Being a lazy person when it comes to typing, I'd prefer for myself
to have one prompt for the full name. But this could be made
customizable, such that one can also get two prompts for first and
last name. And if the customizable default for entering names was
"full-name", the bracket separator could be used for more

Controlling the display order via the bracket scheme is also a neat
idea. The flag could also be used if first and last name are entered
separately. What would be a convenient way to control the value of
this flag when entering the name in the latter way?


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