Carson Chittom <> writes:

> "Philipp Möller" <> writes:
>> I'm new to BBDB and confused by which manual to use for which version.
>> I currently use BBDB version 3.02 ($Date: 2011/10/10 18:04:34 $) and it
>> seems there is no info manual included and the only manual I could find
>> is at: and I can't make out which
>> parts of the manual are still up to date.
> From interactions on this list, it appears that most-to-all of the old
> manual is invalid for BBDB3.

So for now it is just looking at source and figuring things out.

>> Is there an explicit manual for BBDB3 or is the old one still
>> approriate?
> As far as I'm aware there is no manual for BBDD3.  I'll be glad to help
> proofread if you want to write one.  :)

If someone could provide an outline of main features it would be a good start.

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