On Sat Nov 26 2011 Philip Hudson wrote:
> Maybe I'll start with code doco, just standards compliance and  
> formatting and filling in missing docstrings where I can. That'll help  
> build the domain knowledge. Patches to the list, right?

You'd like to provide documentation patches that are supposed to go
into BBDB itself? They are welcome!

You may want to take a look at the node Documentation in the elisp
manual, as well as the node Documentation Tips in the appendix.


PS: If your patches become more substantial,  I'd appreciate if
you could please assign the copyright for your work on BBDB / Emacs
to the Free Software foundation. This will help us to make BBDB free
software, see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html 
For this, you should please fill out the questionaire below and send
it to fsf-reco...@gnu.org.

In the form below I inserted as "program or package" both Emacs and
BBDB/Emacs because we want to make BBDB part of GNU Emacs. So if
your copyright assignment covers both, this will make things easier
in the future.

Thanks a lot for your supporting BBDB / Emacs.


Please email the following information to fsf-reco...@gnu.org, and we
will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.
Please use your full name as the subject line of the message.

[What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]

Emacs and BBDB/Emacs

[Did you copy any files or text written by someone else in these changes?
Even if that material is free software, we need to know about it.]

[Do you have an employer who might have a basis to claim to own
your changes?  Do you attend a school which might make such a claim?]

[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]

[What year were you born?]

[Please write your email address here.]

[Please write your snail address here.]

[Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written
so far?]

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data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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