On Fri Dec 28 2012 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> No one asked for this, but it's something I've wanted for a while, so I
> did it, and am attaching a patch if it's of general interest.
> I often add multiple records for different people at the same
> organization, and have wanted tab completion when creating/editing the
> organization field. This patch creates and populates a
> bbdb-organization-list variable on startup, and offers completion from
> that list when editing or creating organization fields.

Thanks. Me too, I thought about this. So far, I did not implement
this because the organization field holds a list of values. This
makes tab completion more tricky if one wants to put multiple
entries into this field.

Recently the GNU Emacs completion engine went through a major
rewrite. But I believe it does not (yet?) offer completion when the
result of the completion is supposed to be a list of values.

(Stefan, you were largely involved in this rewrite. Can you comment?

> Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a plan to make organizations
> first-class citizens in the database?

What's that? - The organization field holds (a list of) ATTRIBUTES
for a record. If a record should refer to a (single) organization
instead of a person such that the organization is not the attribute
for something else, I suggest that the name of that organization
should go into the name field. I think that anything else asks for
trouble. (Say, typically multiple records will have the same entries
in the organization field for all your friends / colleagues in an


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