On Tue Apr 16 2013 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> Right now, setting bbdb-mua-pop-up to 'horiz splits the *Summary* buffer
> horizontally, not the *Article* buffer! Perhaps because point is in the
> *Summary* buffer when *BBDB* is popped? My *Summary* buffer takes up
> much less of the frame than *Article*, so I would have thought
> `bbdb-pop-up-window' would have identified that as the proper candidate
> for splitting.
> Anyhow, I see that `bbdb-pop-up-window' doesn't do anything mua-specific
> (but looking at the mailing-list that appears to have been intentional).

The horizontal splitting is controlled by the arg HORIZ-P of
bbdb-pop-up-window. This is a predicate generated by calling
bbdb-mua-window-p. Essentially, this says that BBDB will split *a*
window used by your MUA that is big enough for splitting. (The
concept used here by bbdb v3 is the same used by v2.) 

You could try instead something like (untested)

(defun bbdb-mua-window-p ()
  "Return lambda function matching the selected MUA window.
This return value can be used as arg HORIZ-P of `bbdb-display-records'."
  `(lambda (window) (eq window ,(selected-window))))

This tries to split the selected window (and no other window).

Or you replace the var bbdb-mua-mode-alist in bbdb-mua-window-p by
something that matches your needs.

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