That has not to do with autoload tools, but with not using them. The 
makefile-temp is not automatically generated by autoload tools, it is a plain 
makefile that does not work in all cases --- at least it does not work on 
MSWindows XP as far as I can say.

I was proposing a fix which I had done for myself, while trying to keep 
backward compatibility, but it seems that this fix is too complex, I do not 
argue. The best way would anyway have been to use autoload --- or some other 
build system that is platform independent (EDE ?). Or maybe there can be 
alternative fixes simpler than what I had put forward (using mingw32-make 
instead of msys make and $(CURDIR) instead of `pwd` would probably make it, but 
I did not try...)


> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 11:29:38 +0100
> Subject: Re: Patch to makefile-temp
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> If the autotools-based stuff doesn't work on MSWindows, please report
> the details.
> That would be a bug, and we should be able to fix it, because
> autotools-generated
> scripts are intended to work in that environment (given an installed
> bourne-compatible
> shell, and make), and they are doing nothing fancy here.
> If it is an issue of various support programs being necessary (texinfo stuff,
> for example), we could try to add options like ./configure --disable-texinfo 
> or
> such, and default them to "off" if the support programs are unavailable.
> If it is a problem with filenames, that could probably be fixed with 
> appropriate
> machinations. Is it having trouble finding the Emacs executable? That would
> be a bug in some m4 macros. Anyway, we should arrange things so autotools
> works on MSWindows.
> --Barak.
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