>> To each his own, I suppose. /me switches back to Monaco-9.
> Try 13 point.  I opted for Courier over Monaco some while ago but my 
> first impression of Consolas 13 is good and I could well stick with 
> it.  If nothing else it makes a clear distinction between l and 1, 
> which helps a lot with SVG editing.

I can barely tell the difference. Still looks fuzzy to me, but that's 
probably cos I'm used to, when editing and writing emails (which is also 
Monaco-9, along with Terminal.app), to small and non-anti-aliased. I'm 
still young enough to see smaller fonts, so I prefer the extra view 
(both number of lines shown and amount of horizontal space for long code 
lines) provided by Monaco 9. Consolas doesn't appear to work, at all, at 
anything smaller than 12.

But, hey, fonts are right up there with BBEdit vs. Textmate, vi vs. 
emacs, KDE vs. Gnome, Mac vs. Windows, pencils vs. pens, etc. ;)

Morbus Iff ( i memorize the words to the porno movies. )
Technical: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779
Enjoy: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.videounderbelly.com/
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