At 11:56 -0800 on 02/06/2010, junqin wrote about Re: a better auto completion with automatic first letter up:

Thanks Robert for the quick reply.

Would it be possible that BBEdit recognize the start of a sentence? If
so, let this part of code works with the part of auto completion
would, in my opinion, give the correct case automatically ( I do not
really mean to type the correct case by myself when I start a
sentence ... ).

Of course, this should be configurable, otherwise people who do not
want to make the first letter upper case may find this feature is very
annoying .

I have no idea of how BBEdit would recognize the first word of a sentence (although it can be done if you are using patten matching which is a different issue). The point I was making is that you would be starting a sentence by typing an upper case letter and the correct IMO way for the word you are typing to be completed is to preserve the case you supply (not to figure out what case it should be based on heuristics such as "is this the start of a sentence?"). As is the case with Polish/polish having the program second guess the user is not a good idea (especially if you are typing the works of e e cummings).

On Feb 6, 8:18 pm, "Robert A. Rosenberg" <> wrote:
 At 01:47 -0800 on 02/06/2010, junqin wrote about a better auto
 completion with automatic first letter upper :

 >The auto completion of BBEdit is good. But if I am writing the first
 >word of a sentence, and there is a word matching what I typed however
 >with first letter being lower case pop up, by selecting this word,
 >BBEdit will put the lower case word there, I  have to change the first
 >letter to upper case again.

 >It would be great if BBEdit can put the word with the first letter
 >upper case there automatically... make sense ?

 It is not only the situation where you are starting a sentence (which
 would need BBEdit to somehow be aware of this). What you are really
 asking for, I think, is for the auto complete to respect the first
 letter case of what you are typing when it completes the word. IOW:
 If you start to type Xyyy, it will insert Xyyyzzz not xyyyzzz when it
 completes the word. This will give the same result without the need
 for knowing the location of the word.

 It also solves the case where the same string of letters are
 different words based on if the first letter is Upper or Lower case.
 The only word that I know of (in English) where this matters is
 Polish (reference to Poland) and polish (shine).

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Robert A. Rosenberg
RAR Programming Systems Ltd.
Home: 845-357-0931
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