On Aug 11, 2011, at 13:01, Derrick Peavy wrote:
> In prior versions (8 and below I think), when I performed a find (CMD F), the 
> find usually started at the top of the file. Not anymore. I can open a fresh 
> file and if the thing I want to find is at the top and the file opens with 
> the cursor at the bottom, I get the prompt (sound) that nothing has been 
> found. I think have to "Find All" to find just the one thing I need. Annoying.

Hey Derrick,

Bruce has covered that pretty comprehensively, but I'd make one small change to 
his script:

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text window
    select insertion point before character 1
  end tell
end tell

> But also annoying is the find dialog box staying on screen until I close it. 
> I use shortcuts when I write code, so I like having the box disappear.

I still prefer the old modal dialog as well, but we're sol on that one.  I've 
just gotten used to pressing Command-W to ditch the dialog before continuing.

Best Regards,

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