jamie -

i appreciate the links, but i've already visited them and more.

i've got php running just fine... as long as a .php file is anywhere
in my Sites folder (where i keep separate folders for all my client
websites), and i preview it using LOCALHOST, all is well. the page
gets rendered, life is good.

i guess a better phrased question would be: when i drag and drop a
file from the desktop to an open browser window, it shows as "file:///

i want it to go through localhost, so the php gets rendered.

maybe some kind of .htaccess re-write trick? is there a way to 'trick'
the browser into doing this, when 'Sites' and 'Desktop' are folders
that exist at the same level in my home directory?

help, mr. wizards!

On Feb 6, 12:04 pm, jamiepeloquin <jamiepeloq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bruce
> I am not sure if you are going to be able to get this to work as you
> expect…
> Havinghttp://localhostpoint to two directories is a bit of a
> conflict…
> Also, PHP files are not processed, by default, in Mac OS X, though
> php5 does ship with it.
> Here are some sites that might help you get to where you want to 
> go:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6790568/how-do-you-get-php-working...http://akrabat.com/php/setting-up-php-mysql-on-os-x-10-7-lion/
> Also note that each `website` in BBEdit can only support one `Preview
> Server` at a time.
> Hope this gets you in the right direction,
> Jamie
> On Feb 4, 7:45 pm, blinde <bruce.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > guys -
> > i've got my environment set up so i can work in php using bbedit, and
> > then just hit control+command+p to preview any file i'm working on in
> > the browser of my choice. the php renders just fine... as long as the
> > file is anywhere under ~Sites.
> > i often end up with php files on my desktop, and want to be able to
> > open them in bbedit, make a quick tweak or not, and then preview as
> > above... with the php rendering just as if it were under ~Sites.
> > under 'setup', i currently have:
> >      site name: dev
> >      server url: localhost/
> >      path on server: ~blinde/
> >      default page: index.php
> >      addressing: automatic
> >      local site root: blinde->Sites
> >      use local preview server: yes
> > this works.
> > i made a copy, called dev 2, and tried variations on the 'path on
> > server' setting, to new avail.
> > i want to be able to preview correctly rendered php pages located
> > under ~Sites AND off my desktop.
> > how do i do this?
> > more info:
> >   7       localhost
> >   8 broadcasthost
> >   9 ::1             localhost
> >  10 fe80::1%lo0     localhost
> >  13 file:///Users/blinde/Sites/
> >  14 file:///Users/blinde/Desktop/
> > apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file
> >  28 <VirtualHost *:80>
> >  29     DocumentRoot "/Users/blinde/Sites/"
> >  30     ServerName localhost
> >  31 </VirtualHost>
> >  32
> >  33 <VirtualHost *:80>
> >  34     DocumentRoot "/Users/blinde/Desktop/"
> >  35     ServerName localhost
> >  36 </VirtualHost>
> > am i even mucking about in the right place?
> > again, i want to be able to preview correctly rendered php pages
> > located under ~Sites AND off my desktop. i definitely want to be able
> > to do this via bbedit, but also wouldn't mind being able to drag-and-
> > drop a php file from the desktop into an open browser window such that
> > the page gets rendered correctly (ok, that last one isn't a bbedit
> > thing...)
> > how do i do this?
> > idiot-proof instructions and/or pointers to applicable tutorials would
> > be appreciated!
> > thanks,
> > bruce

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