spencer -

why are you asking about the scripts folder in a thread about multiple
dev environments and localhosts?

twice now i've logged in to see if anyone answered my question, and
thought that someone had replied... only to find out the posts had
nothing to do with this thread, or my question.

please start your own thread about your own topic, for best results
and to help keep threads on topic.

as for the manual saying there are scripts supplied by bbedit, the
manual i just downloaded says:

[Global, Local]
BBEdit will automatically create this folder if it does not exist. The
Scripts folder may contain AppleScript files, Automator workflows,
text factories, and executable Unix files (scripts). Items placed in
this folder will appear in the Scripts menu (left), and you may place
items within subfolders (up to four levels deep) to organize them.
You may run these items from the Scripts menu, the floating Scripts
palette, or via assigned key equivalents. (You may use the Menus &
Shortcuts preference panel to assign a key equivalent to any item in
the Scripts menu.)
BBEdit runs such items by simply loading the item and calling it
directly, without providing any inputs. (Naturally, AppleScript
scripts and Automator actions may query BBEdit for more information,
and Unix scripts may obtain information from the environment variables
that BBEdit sets, while text factories will use their stored target
list if any.)
The first time you launch BBEdit 10, it will copy all of your existing
Unix scripts into this folder.
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 8.5, you must instead
manually move or copy over any customized scripts that you wish to
preserve. Note also that scripts written for use with such older
versions of BBEdit may no longer work. (Please see Chapters 13 and 14
for more details and tips on modifying your existing AppleScripts and
Unix filters & scripts.)

what manual are you looking at, and what specifically does it say to
make you think there are scripts provided with the app?

again, please continue the scripts folder discussion in a new thread.


On Feb 6, 8:35 pm, "spencerwhetst...@gmail.com"
<spencer.whetst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Spencer
> --
> Hoped to find the supplied scripts. Thanks.
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 21:41, Phil Dobbin <phildob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > On 07/02/2012 00:21, Spencer Whetstone wrote:
> >> I am trying to experiment with scripting. Everything I read says
> >> that there should be a folder
> >> ~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Scripts
> >> I don't have one. The manual tells me to look there for scripts
> >> supplied by Bare Bones.
> > Just go ahead & create one yourself. That'll do the job.
> > Cheers,
> >   Phil...
> > - --
> > But masters, remember that I am an ass.
> > Though it be not written down,
> > yet forget not that I am an ass.
> >    Wm. Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
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> > =Mpzz
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > --
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