On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:54:55AM -0700, David wrote:
> I need some Grep help.
> I need to remove this type of entry from a large file.
> "No Fly List:
>     101508
>     100698
> Other options"
> ignore the quotation marks, I added them to illustrate the start and
> end of the string.
> Each six digit employee number begins with 1. Each line ends with a
> carriage return.
> The problem for a newbie like me is that there may be one or twenty
> employee numbers, each on its own line, and I'm not sure how to handle
> that. There is no hard limit on the number of 1xxxxx numbers to search
> for between No Fly List:\r   and Other Options"

One line containing an employee number:

[ \t]*1\d{5}\r

One or more lines containing an employee number:

([ \t]*1\d{5}\r)+


So, the complete pattern might look like this:

(?m)No Fly List:\r(\s*1\d{5}\r)+\rOther options


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