On May 30, 2012, at 1:47 AM, Mike Conley wrote:

> On Monday, 28 May 2012 06:57:21 UTC+1, eddyk wrote:
> [...] Problem of incorrect file path resolution in 10.7.4  is present on iMac 
> i3 and MacBook Pro, for all users. Repairing permissions, reinstalling using 
> Mac 10.7.4 combo do not resolve the issue.
> Any ideas ? Thanks.
> You know, I really would like to know why it is that people insist on posting 
> incredibly detailed bug reports to this forum, rather than sending them to 
> Bare Bones technical support. I mean, as someone who has to deal with 
> technical support issues myself, I'm quite curious. Is it just a mistrust of 
> the official channels? Is it that people send in reports and get no response 
> and are thus frustrated? Is it just plain ignorance? Is it the fact that the 
> Google Groups facility doesn't make it easy to shove the 'contact technical 
> support' notice in people's faces?
> And I wonder whether BB have simply given up and now consider this forum (and 
> the others) as simply an alternative to the tech support e-mail address. I 
> mean, I would be sorely tempted to do so -- at least if any significant 
> fraction of my bug reports came through this channel rather than the 
> recommended one.
> Anyway. Just wondering, really.

I don't know if it's the motivation, but it helps me in six months when I have 
the same problem and I can google it and find a thread and maybe figure it out 
without bothering anyone else.

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