On May 9, 2013, at 4:00 AM, Riccardo Perotti <pero...@pobox.com> wrote:

> I used to be able to hit "Un/Comment Selection" in an EMPTY selection and get 
> an empty comment with the insertion point *INSIDE* not after it:
> <!-- #insertion# -->
> /* #insertion# */

I get this behavior on my mac. Looks like the problem is specific to your 

> Currently using 10.5.3 (3280) with expert prefs:
> % defaults read com.barebones.bbedit CommentWholeLineWithInsertionPoint
> % 0
> % defaults read com.barebones.bbedit PreferLineCommentsWhenCommenting
> % 0

These might be the culprits. Try removing them and see if you get the behavior 
you want.

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