On 31 May 2013, at 08:06 , Patrick Woolsey <pwool...@barebones.com> wrote:

> First, as a reminder, ePub files are actually Zip archives, and thus all
> related considerations apply.

Right. But the behavior I am seeing is not the behavior I was expecting.

> Thus, when you open a Zip archive, BBEdit will display the files contained
> within that archive in a 'synthetic' project window, and this is also why
> the project can't be saved as a standalone file (since it's based directly
> on the archive).

Right, but I am not trying to do that.

>> ANd if I try to make changes, it won't let me switch to another file
>> in the epub without wanting to save, but of course it is not actually
>> able to save the changes to the epub I am trying to edit.
> The first behavior is expected, since BBEdit must incrementally update the
> Zip archive, but BBEdit should indeed be able to save any changes you've
> made.

Hmm. Well, I opened "Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen.epub" by force-dragging 
it to BBedit and I get a pseudo project showing a few files, then 

I click on one of the html files and I change "Jane" to "Joan". I then click on 
the next file in the list.

I get "Do you want to save the changes to "Pride_and_Prejudice_split_005.html" 
and if I say "Save" then I am asked where I want to save it to.

Which means that I cannot edit the ePub file as I was expecting. It appears 
that I must explode the epub, then I can edit the files as normal, and then I 
can try to recreate the epub archive as it's supposed to be, knowing that ePub 
is an astonishingly persnickety form of .zip that breaks if you look at it 

Battlemage? That's not a profession. It barely qualifies as a hobby.
'Battlemage' is about impressive a title as 'Lord of the Dance'. <PAUSE>
I'm adding Lord of the Dance to my titles.

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