Words, words, words - language, language, language

Those 'diverse methodologies' are all aspects of the same thing - an indefinable thing we call 'natural energy'. Add it to the soil and it grows stuff. Take it away from plants and they stop growing. Applying 'cosmic' or 'earth' forces to it in certain solid states produces miracles. Changing its frequency converts wood into coal, lead into gold, sunlight into chairs and tables.

Reiki diverts or channels it, homeopathy and BD uses its imprint, naturopathy uses it in herbal form, radionics relies on its frequencies.

Let your mind wander a bit, Gil, don't let convention hold you back. If you were lying out in a mesa with a broken leg, suffering in the burning sun, and a total stranger came along, produced an instrument you'd never seen before and offered to help you, would you refuse on the grounds that you knew nothing about the person or device? I suggest you would be grateful for any help.

We have been trying to control invasive weeds and the like for almost a hundred years with toxic chemicals and all we have proved is they are no solution. Don't you think it's past time we tried a different approach? Like changing the plants' energy flows, patterns and requirements, for instance? That is how we enliven soils and plants with BD preps - don't you think it might work the other way?


Gil Robertson wrote:

Roger, I enjoy your posts and much of the time, I agree with what you have to say in general terms and with the restraints of the imperfect language which we use.

But I can't let you bundle so many diverse methodologies into one basket.

If one reduces "life, the universe and everything" to a one liner and state "All is energy", one could be forgiven for the above act, but if we give quite different things specific names, then one should also recognize that while there are some similarities, there are also differences.

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