Gil Robertson wrote:

Radionics works solely on the ability of the Radionic Practitioner to focus their mind on something very specific for a period and to hold it there long enough to have the desired result. ............ In Radionics, the gadgetry, be it Black Boxes, Rae Cards, Rates, instruments with lots of knobs to play with, is only a tool to allow focus of the Practitioners mind. There are several systems that do not use instruments as such. Some are paper based. They may be as simple as a drawing of part of an instrument, where one writes the settings and places the Witness, to a recent system that uses cards the size of a Rae Card but with colourful graphics and a number of these are placed in a little wooden tray with the Witness.

The antics, prognostications and endless turnabouts of people on this list never cease to amaze me. It seems we must reinvent the wheel at least once a fortnight or the world will come to a grinding halt. Now we have had a very interesting discussion about energy over the last few days, albeit that the word itself has been hardly mentioned. Instead it's 'homeopathy' or 'radionics' or some such which has manifested in emails.

To state, as some do, that radionics is merely the exponency of pure intention is, I would submit, sheer and utter crap. The radionic boxes (you may call them instruments, I call them boxes for that is basically all they are) perform exactly the same function as the burial of cow horns full of cow shit in the ground at the summer or winter solstice depending where one is located in the world. The same function as a person around these parts performs with a number of bowls of ordinary tap water set out on the ground in a particular formation. The same function as I perform when I conduct a Reiki healing of a person be he/she in the same room or ten thousand miles away.

The function of diversion of lifeforce or universal energy.

Homeopathy works because its remedies contain imprints of energy patterns or frequencies. BD preps work because they contain the same things.
Radionics boxes work because they interrupt the free flow of natural energy and divert it elsewhere. Reiki works because its practitioners do likewise.
Burying cow horns containing manure or silica in the ground interrupts the free flow of energy and creates a double vortex or life spiral which draws in and mixes cosmic and earth energies to generate the conversion of these materials into BD500 / 501.

Every living thing has at least one double vortex funneling natural lifeforce energy within or around it. Because of it plants, animals and organisms evolve, develop and reproduce. Insofar as 'intent' is concerned, it might help the underconfident to have 'good' intent but it is not mandatory. 'Bad' intent does not come into it; lifeforce energy cannot be manipulated for anything but 'good' reasons.


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