Roger, I enjoy your posts and much of the time, I agree with what you have to say in general terms and with the restraints of the imperfect language which we use.

But I can't let you bundle so many diverse methodologies into one basket.

If one reduces "life, the universe and everything" to a one liner and state "All is energy", one could be forgiven for the above act, but if we give quite different things specific names, then one should also recognize that while there are some similarities, there are also differences.

Reiki in it's simplest form, is a Laying On Of Hands healing methodology. At this level it has commonality with that practiced by the historic One Who Walked On Water. On the second level and beyond, we are able to "Distant Heal". I do not know of any reference in the big book to this, but it may well have been a part of things before the changes of the last 1,600 odd years. Of all the things one may claim about Reiki, the significant one for me is the way we hand over and work solely as a conduit through which the energy flows. We do this with out judgment or any attempt at direction. In Reiki our belief structure is that the energy comes from the ultimate source, what ever that is for the individual, and we allow it to flow through us to the client and it is there directed to the place of greatest need by the higher self of the client. As Reiki Practitioner, we specifically do not direct the energy to where we think it should go. This is the really significant difference between Reiki and other Laying on of Hand and other Distant Healing methods. (My Reiki background includes studying under many, including the Reverend Doctor Beth Grey, who you will recognize as the first non ethnic Japanese Master.)

Radionics, like Radiesthesia, from which it evolved, is most decidedly a methodology that is totally based on the focus of the practitioner's mind. In Radiesthesia and Radionics, we annalyse, using some sort of focus, such as lists, charts, instruments, stick pad, pendulums. One can do this without the toys, but it is at least much quicker with them and unless we are very disciplined, it is also more accurate with the toys. The other aspect of Radionics and some advanced forms of Radiesthesia, is the ability to broadcast a cure across a space. Dependent on the instrument, we broadcast from seconds to minutes to hours of even continuously. This is nothing we can't do with mind alone, but the advantage of the instruments is that we can set up a thought form that says that as long as this instrument is doing this, the healing will flow to the client and it does. In Radionics, we are specifically interventionist, we annalyse a deviation from functional perfection and broadcast a corrective energy. This, if nothing else divides Radionics/ Radiesthesia from Reiki. My mentors in this area include two with more than fifty years in the field and during that times were involved with the development and evolution of that which we know as Radionics to day. They were actually involved in the research and the design of the instruments.

Homoeopathy has a two hundred odd year history and is different thing to different people. In it's traditional form it was based on the premise that if something gave a reaction like the ill one wanted to cure, if you potentised it, it would have a healing effect.  That is an over simplification. More recently (the last fifty odd years) some people have developed several different "combination" variants.  These include such well known ones as Reckeweg, Powell and several Indian systems. Traditionalists would discount them, but they are very useful. Homoeopathy is based on taking the energy of something and potentising it.. This is to a dilution level far beyond the point at which there is any possibility of a single molecule of the original material being present. Within the range of potencies in Homoeopathy, there is not a straight curve from mild to stronger effect. One can not just keep cranking up the numbers and expect to get an ever more effective outcome. In actual fact there are parts of the Homoeopathic Spectrum that are life supporting and others that are the reverse. The skill is in understanding this and knowing which is what. There are some very unfortunate outcomes by not understanding this. What gets even more interesting is when we join Homoeopathy and Radionics, we can then use a Rate or a Rae Card to represent the energy imprint of the Homoeopathic. Having done this we can make a copy or broadcast it directly to the client. The use by Radionic of Homoeopathy does not make them the same. We also use flower essences, gem essences, colour, the effect of planets and other bodies. Our relationship with them is that we recognize they have healing qualities we can use and we use Radionics to deliver that, it is not that we are becoming practitioners in those fields. They have specialised knowledge that must be learned.

Biodynamics is a method by which specific energies are collected and potentised, but not by the same means as Homoeopathics. It should not be necessary to go further into BD on this list. Again, using Radionic instruments, we can broadcast the energies that are developed in the BD Preps. In this case, Radionics is merely the tool of distribution.

With Reiki, we can treat a client with no knowledge of what is wrong with them and no requirement of any understanding of anatomy, physiology or the disease process.

Once we move into the other methodologies, we require some quite substantial specific knowledge. If we are to treat humans or animals, we must study anatomy, pathology and the disease processes of that particular specie. If we are to treat planets or the land, we must have a background in that particular study as a prerequisite, before we start our specialist study, be it Radionics, Homoeopathics or Biodynamics. Just as you would not have a surgeon operate on you if they had no knowledge of anatomy, you would not want a Radionic Practitioner with out that knowledge to work on you.

Reiki does not require the conscious use of the practitioners mind.

Radionics is completely reliant on the practitioners mind and it's focus.

Homoeopathics is a very physical methodology that collects and potentises the energy.

Biodynamics is also a physical process of collecting and potentising energy, but different from Homoeopathics.

With respect


Roger Pye wrote:
Gil Robertson wrote:

Radionics works solely on the ability of the Radionic Practitioner to focus their mind on something very specific for a period and to hold it there long enough to have the desired result. ............ In Radionics, the gadgetry, be it Black Boxes, Rae Cards, Rates, instruments with lots of knobs to play with, is only a tool to allow focus of the Practitioners mind. There are several systems that do not use instruments as such. Some are paper based. They may be as simple as a drawing of part of an instrument, where one writes the settings and places the Witness, to a recent system that uses cards the size of a Rae Card but with colourful graphics and a number of these are placed in a little wooden tray with the Witness.

The antics, prognostications and endless turnabouts of people on this list never cease to amaze me. It seems we must reinvent the wheel at least once a fortnight or the world will come to a grinding halt. Now we have had a very interesting discussion about energy over the last few days, albeit that the word itself has been hardly mentioned. Instead it's 'homeopathy' or 'radionics' or some such which has manifested in emails.

To state, as some do, that radionics is merely the exponency of pure intention is, I would submit, sheer and utter crap.

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