Resonant Info wrote:

I can relate it to a mathematical law. Sometimes we take the equation that describes some aspect of an observation as the thing in itself. Does the equation or the relation (not the formula, as written of course) have any meaningful existence, any relevance, without its manifestation? It is an interesting question isn't it?
I understand what you refer to below simply as "potential" energy.

Is there any gravity, for example, without matter? You could say that without matter there is no gravity and you'd be right. But you could also say the that gravity exists even if there is no matter and that would be correct too. The first statement is about the actual observable world, the second is about the conceptual world, and that is the difference.

Hey, I'm no mathematician - I have enough trouble as it is with 2 + 2 = 5 :)

I think we humans have a propensity for making things as complicated as we can. Forget the maths - dare I say 'forget the science' also? Go to high ground where you can look down on a wide expanse of woodland or forest. Study it as a whole thing not as individual trees. I am willing to bet you will find (within the totality) arcs of trees which have a twist or a lean towards or away from you. If you have the instruments, draw it all up as a chart or diagram, taking account of the scale you are using and which way is north. Draw lines on the chart from the leaning trees in the direction of the lean. If the lines from the trees in any arc do not meet at a central point I would be very surprised.

Let us assume they do meet at a central point. There you would find a natural energy vortex. With dowsing abilities you would be able to determine the direction, polarity and strength of the energies spiralling down into the earth, and calculate the surface distance affected by the vortex - that is, the furthest distance the energies are being drawn from.

If you leave the vortex as it is, ultimately the passage of the energies towards it will twist the trees to destruction. Of course it might take the lifetime of the trees to accomplish this. It will also affect boulders - I can show you photos of boulders which have 'channels' cut into them which I believe to have been caused by the passage of energies over thousands of years let alone the lifetime of a tree.

If changing the vortex will not harm anything, or if leaving it alone will create a life-threatening situation (as it might if a stone or wooden dwelling is in the line of energies) then (depending on the type of vortex) people who have an ability to do so can reverse the direction of energy flow (making the energies spiral out instead of in), or stop the flow completely, or move the vortex somewhere else. In reality, these are little different to eliminating or moving whirlpools by changing the directional flow of water. It is simply the 'substance' which is different.

Read James Lovelock's books on Gaia - our living planet. In at least one he makes reference to any free energy flow of a certain magnitude having the ability to create whirlpools (water) and eddies (winds). All I and my colleagues have done is expand the concept to the basis of those flows - that is, the energies which 'move' water or wind.

Drive down any highway that has constant traffic and study the trees which line its sides - the Kings Highway from Canberra to the coast is an excellent example, particularly between Queanbeyan and Bungendore - the majority of these trees are twisted way beyond recovery, are grotesque in their appearance. The irony - and the saddest thing of all - is that eventually the local authority will come along and fell the trees, citing their 'disease' as the reason, will plant replacements which will gradually emulate their predecessors, and have to go through the whole performance again in a relatively short space of time.

If you know the natural energy flows on your own place, you can exercise greater control of what will or will not grow, and where and when.


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