Title: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics
you make quote of:

>Two things that Steiner wrote that I find relevant to this statement -
"No matter without spirit
no spirit without matter"

I can't locate the original source of this quote but I believe
Steiner was quoting an old saying.<

And what was the original German when you find it.

>And secondly from the Ag Course - "...always stay in the realm of the
Living", he was referring to our thinking in regard to Agriculture .<

I wonder what the Salamanders, Undines, Sylphs and Earthlings think of this?

Spray the Three Kings recently?

Stirin' on.


>To me that means actual organic, incarnate, manifest, substance. Not
pure spirit or pure energy.  Not in the dead mineral world. Not in
ethers, as such, but in the world where there are actual living
things and sh*t and dirt.
That is where we must live on Earth and tread a middle road of above
and below, a road of ambiguity and uncertainty.
This is not to try to ignore the spirit or the energy (or
mathematical laws either)<

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