bdnow a écrit :
> >Status:  U
> >Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 01:31:51 EST
> >Subject: Bio-Dynamic weed control
> >X-Comment: Original message was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >Hello,
> >
> ><snip>
> >I have been Bio-Dynamic for many years.  I live in Sandpoint, Idaho.  I
> >have sold valerian plants to Hugh Courtney for a few years now.  I also
> >do a bulk order of Stella Natura calendars.  I'm certified organic, but
> >mostly I am a clay artist and sell handbuilt one-of-a-kind animal
> >statues for gardens.
> >
> >I'm also the only organic person on the Bonner County Weed Advisory
> >Board and have a grant from the state to do non-chemical weed control on
> >an 8-mile road right-of-way that is the feeder road for many private
> >roads in my neighborhood.  We had a chemically sensitive man
> >living on this road who was injured by a clandestine herbicide spraying
> >by the county in 1999 and he has had to move away.  I think that is why
> >the state gave us the money. We have been fighting being sprayed with
> >2,4-D and clopyralid for 9 years, but haven't really "taken care" of
> >the weeds until this summer, our first year of the grant. I didn't own a
> >weedeater and they bought us one with all the trimmings.  We spent
> >76 hours weedeating the knapweed, tansy, hawkweed and thistle.
> >
> >I need some way to discourage a lot of so-called noxious weeds.
> >
> >I have 15 units of Pfeiffer Field Spray that I hope to put together with
> >a D-7 weed ash solution of the four varieties of "weeds" and spray
> >every year for four years.  I am thinking that I could repeat just the
> >weed ash spraying several more times in the season.  We have built
> >a sprayer out of a Shurflo pump to be run off a truck alternator with a
> >professional spray nozzel to go on three successive 50-gallon barrels
> >down and up the other side of the road again in one pass.
> >
> >I also thought of demonstrating some other non-chemical methods like
> >planting competing plants like rye, native grasses and red clover; mulching;
> >in test plots to use up the money, but really, what I want to demonstrate
> >is superb weed control that does not harm microorganisms or animals.
> >
> >Do you have any expertise on this subject that you can share?  The state
> >has granted me more money than I can use and won't carry it through this
> >year.  I don't want to have it sent back and am writing a sort of grant
> >application to the new Weed Supervisor and the Commissioners and also
> >trying to interest the Extension Agents.  Bio-Dynamics is so foreign to
> >them and nobody believes that we can get rid of the weeds with homeopathic
> >doses of a weed ash solution.  I've always just dug up or pulled weeds
> >on my own land and I have maintained the strip of right-of-way on either
> >side of our private road mechanically for many years.
> >
> >Thank you for any help you can give me
> >
> >Merla Barberie
> >1251 Rolling Thunder Ridge
> >Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

hello merla,
can you explain me what is "Pfeiffer Field Spray"?

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