Evelyn Bishop a écrit :
> Hello!
> I am new to this list and am looking for environmentally friendly ways
> to deal with star thistle. I have burned and mowed the area last year
> and it has substantially reduced the amount of thistle and also
> delayed its growth. It grows quickly as soon as the weather turns hot.
> Then it is too late to burn or mow. It is way too tough to do
> weed-eating when it gets large.
> I am not familiar with BD preps or what to do with weeds in a large
> area. In my garden areas, I weed by hand. Although I have purchased
> some Round up, I am hesitant to use it in case I might want to grow
> anything edible in this south facing slope. It is too large an area to
> weed by hand, though I pull as many as I can and burn them before the
> burn season is over. I always prefer not to use chemicals and would
> like an alternate solution.
> Does anyone have any solutions that they might share with me?
> Thanks so much!
> Evelyn Bishop

I am an organic gardenner certified,but beginner in bd (3 years)
in france we use special roll of paper unfold by hand or by machine.
the paper is perforated to plant salads,etc.
it's very efficient,but I don't now if it is compatible with bd.

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