Dear Merla,

Both my parents grew up near Sandpoint, in the Granite/Careywood area, and I have a 
cousin in Post Falls who does satellite image habitat assessment studies, another 
cousin in Potlatch who is the state champion fiddler and gives music lessons, though 
she also teaches German at the university in Moscow. My Uncle Billy Mase built and 
owned the huge red Vally Vista barn on 95 down toward Cocolalla, and my Uncle Cecil 
Lovel owned the builder's supply in Moscow and turned Latah County into a democratic 
stronghold back in the fifties and early sixties 

But I'm doing a weed experiment with my field broadcasters with a fellow by the name 
of Dwight Callaway down in Boise, with cheat, medusa head rye, rush skeleton weed and 
maybe a few others. Plus another experiment with tarweed and Canada Thistle with a 
broadcaster over in Deery the other side of Potlatch--owned by a lady I know in 
Atlanta, Georgia who makes bearings for ATM machines and has fallen in love with the 
beauty of the Palouse country and keeps buying more land up there. Anyway my main 
thrust is application of the BD preps over large acreage at low cost and almost no 
hassle, but I've come to see that weeds interest farmers, ranchers and 
environmentalists much more than environmental regeneration--which they believe is 
nearly impossible.

You might want to get in touch with Dwight, as I'm sending him a 2,000 acre 
broadcaster and he is working in loose cooperation with BLM, which is quite interested 
in the weed control though they probably couldn't care less about the BD side of this. 
That's because they have no idea how fast the crust can regenerate on brittle, arid 
soils using BD. I know it's a long ways down to Boise, but you might want to look in 
on the experiment using the field broadcaster and BD. Dwight and I are both convinced 
this will work like hitting a switch, and it will be cheap for large acreage. Dwight 
will put the broadcaster up at a ley line crossing and have a map in both wells with 
the boundaries drawn on it to define the area of broadcast. I'll be making up the D7 
potency with a Malcolm Rae instrument from geometric pattern cards. We WILL be doing 
this this year. I'm mailing him the broadcaster (which ordinarily sells for $1,000) 
tomorrow as my investment in the project. He's done way lots!
 of legwork with ranchers and the BLM folks. They are skeptical, but VERY interested, 
so the documentation will get a good showing.

I'm already working on Johnson Grass in Arkansas and will be working with quite a 
number of weeds throughout North America throughout the coming year. 

The weed pepper idea stems from the fact that any plant requires two things to 
grow--moisture and warmth. The moisture comes through the Moon, while the warmth comes 
through Saturn. When the seed of the weed, which embodies the matrice of the weed has 
all its moisture cooked off to where there is charcoal (with a little ash to prove the 
moisture is truly all burned off) the resulting "pepper" contains the pattern of that 
specific weed in the carbon framework left behind, yet its connection with moisture is 
severed. If then this pattern is overlayed (and the pattern is purified from its dross 
by homeopathic potentization) on the environment that plant will lose its ability to 
get the moisture it needs to grow. The older plants will lose their steam and the 
seeds of the next generation will fail to sprout. What we saw in Arkansas this past 
fall was the Johnson Grass seemed to lose its vigor, though it had enough moisture 
already it didn't just turn yellow and die. Maybe a juic!
y plant with such a strong connection with moisture will take a year to two to kill. 
Prickly pear might take years. Steiner said up to four, so those ranchers down in the 
southwest and Mexico may have to be patient. But Idaho just may be the ideal place to 
try this method.

Thing is we don't want to leave a void in the environment. I impart an intent to all 
my potencies that the function of the weed be replaced with the best means available, 
and as you know with BD we are providing some of the better means available. Well this 
letter is too long. I'm off to bed. I guess the rest of my mail will have to wait.

Anyway Dwight's e-mail is:


Best wishes,
Hugh Lovel
Blairsville, Georgia

>>Status:  U
>>Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 01:31:51 EST
>>Subject: Bio-Dynamic weed control
>>X-Comment: Original message was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>I have been Bio-Dynamic for many years.  I live in Sandpoint, Idaho.  I
>>have sold valerian plants to Hugh Courtney for a few years now.  I also
>>do a bulk order of Stella Natura calendars.  I'm certified organic, but
>>mostly I am a clay artist and sell handbuilt one-of-a-kind animal
>>statues for gardens.
>>I'm also the only organic person on the Bonner County Weed Advisory
>>Board and have a grant from the state to do non-chemical weed control on
>>an 8-mile road right-of-way that is the feeder road for many private
>>roads in my neighborhood.  We had a chemically sensitive man
>>living on this road who was injured by a clandestine herbicide spraying
>>by the county in 1999 and he has had to move away.  I think that is why
>>the state gave us the money. We have been fighting being sprayed with
>>2,4-D and clopyralid for 9 years, but haven't really "taken care" of
>>the weeds until this summer, our first year of the grant. I didn't own a
>>weedeater and they bought us one with all the trimmings.  We spent
>>76 hours weedeating the knapweed, tansy, hawkweed and thistle.
>>I need some way to discourage a lot of so-called noxious weeds. 
>>I have 15 units of Pfeiffer Field Spray that I hope to put together with
>>a D-7 weed ash solution of the four varieties of "weeds" and spray
>>every year for four years.  I am thinking that I could repeat just the
>>weed ash spraying several more times in the season.  We have built
>>a sprayer out of a Shurflo pump to be run off a truck alternator with a
>>professional spray nozzel to go on three successive 50-gallon barrels
>>down and up the other side of the road again in one pass.
>>I also thought of demonstrating some other non-chemical methods like
>>planting competing plants like rye, native grasses and red clover; mulching;
>>in test plots to use up the money, but really, what I want to demonstrate
>>is superb weed control that does not harm microorganisms or animals.
>>Do you have any expertise on this subject that you can share?  The state
>>has granted me more money than I can use and won't carry it through this
>>year.  I don't want to have it sent back and am writing a sort of grant
>>application to the new Weed Supervisor and the Commissioners and also
>>trying to interest the Extension Agents.  Bio-Dynamics is so foreign to
>>them and nobody believes that we can get rid of the weeds with homeopathic
>>doses of a weed ash solution.  I've always just dug up or pulled weeds
>>on my own land and I have maintained the strip of right-of-way on either
>>side of our private road mechanically for many years.
>>Thank you for any help you can give me
>>Merla Barberie
>>1251 Rolling Thunder Ridge
>>Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

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