>An easy intro to BD is available through Dave Robison's site at 

By the way, it's the Oregon BD chapter site, I just run it -- there are 
other contributors. Here's part of the intro.

Introduction -- What is Biodynamics?
Biodynamics is an approach to agriculture based on a concept of life 
forces. These forces work in nature to bring about balance and healing. 
Biodynamic agriculture uses a philosophical model articulated in eight 
lectures given in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), an Austrian scientist 
and philosopher. Steiner delivered these "Agriculture Course" lectures in 
response to observations from farmers -- that soils were becoming depleted 
and that the health and quality of crops and livestock were diminishing 
following the introduction of chemical fertilizers. Thus, biodynamic 
agriculture was the first "organic" or ecological farming system to develop 
as an alternative to chemical agriculture.

Biodynamics combines "biological" agriculture with an understanding of 
"dynamic" ecological systems. If there is a "conventional" school of 
organic agriculture today, it practices "biological" farming. For example, 
it uses cover crops and manure to build the microbiology of the soil. The 
"dynamic" part of the practice takes a broader perspective to enhance 
metaphysical aspects (the life forces) and natural rhythms (such as 
planting seeds during certain lunar phases).
As an analogy, consider an alternative form of medicine. Chinese 
acupuncture represents an intricately detailed philosophy and practice for 
which we have no equivalent in conventional medicine. Acupuncture 
recognizes a subtle energy -- chi or life force -- that pervades our bodies 
and influences our health. Acupuncture is able to mobilize those healing 
forces in ways that defy explanation by to Western medicine. The test is 
not whether the concept of acupuncture is "true" according to Western 
medical standards, but whether it works. For certain conditions, 
acupuncture works better than anything in Western medicine.

Similarly, biodynamics is concerned with chi or life force -- this time in 
the practice of using those forces beneficially in agriculture. In this 
sense, biodynamics has been described as a spiritual or mystical approach 
to agriculture. Steiner was very concerned that his system should be 
distinguished from mere superstition or dogmatic belief. To this end, 
Steiner advocated a scientific process of testing hypotheses as well as 
meditative insight. This makes biodynamics an on-going process in which the 
community of practitioners actively exchange ideas and refine their 

Using a systems ecological approach, biodynamics sees each farm as an 
organism, a self-contained entity with its own individuality. Thinking 
about the farm as ecosystem leads to holistic management practices. These 
include integrating crops with livestock, recycling nutrients, maintaining 
soil, enhancing the health and wellbeing of crops and animals and even the 
farmer too. In this sense biodynamics shares concepts with permaculture -- 
humans have a role as the designer of the ecosystem.

However, in considering natural forces biodynamics introduces a different 
focus than other organic gardening schools of thought. Biodynamics 
parallels organic farming in many ways - especially with regard to cultural 
and biological farming practices - but it is set apart by its emphasis on 
chi or life energy. Biodynamic practices seek to balance the physical and 
non-physical realms, acknowledging cosmic and terrestrial forces that 
influence life energy. It is this complicated metaphysical terminology that 
makes biodynamics hard to grasp, yet these concepts are part of the 
biodynamic understanding of how living systems work.

The following table adopted from Steve Driver summarizes some organic 
farming practices. Biodynamics includes the same practices as 
"conventional" organic farming but adds its own group of special practices.

Organic and Bio-Dynamic Farming Practices
Conventional Organic Practices                  Special Biodynamic Practices
Green manures, cover cropping                   Special compost preparations
Tillage and cultivation                         Special sprays
Composting                                      Planting by calendar
Companion planting                              Peppering for pest control
Integration of crops and livestock              Subtle forces - homeopathy, 
dowsing, radionics

Sherry Wildfeuer describes some of the basic principles of biodynamics:

Broaden Our Perspective
Just as we need to look at the magnetic field of the whole earth to 
comprehend the compass, to understand plant life we must expand our view to 
include all that affects plant growth. No narrow microscopic view will 
suffice. Plants are utterly open to and formed by influences from the 
depths of the earth to the heights of the heavens. Therefore our 
considerations in agriculture must range more broadly than is generally 
assumed to be relevant.

Reading the Book of Nature
  Everything in nature reveals something of its essential character in its 
form and gesture. Careful observations of nature -- in shade and full sun, 
in wet and dry areas, on different soils, will yield a more fluid grasp of 
the elements. So eventually one learns to read the language of nature. And 
then one can be creative, bringing new emphasis and balance through 
specific actions.

Cosmic Rhythms
The light of the sun, moon, planets and stars reaches the plants in regular 
rhythms. Each contributes to the life, growth and form of the plant. By 
understanding the gesture and effect of each rhythm, we can time our ground 
preparation, sowing, cultivating and harvesting to the advantage of the 
crops we are raising.

Plant Life Is Intimately Bound Up With the Life of the Soil
Biodynamics recognizes that soil itself can be alive, and this vitality 
supports and affects the quality and health of the plants that grow in 
it.                       Therefore, one of Biodynamics fundamental efforts 
is to build up stable humus in our soil through composting.

A New View of Nutrition
We gain our physical strength from the process of breaking down the food we 
eat. The more vital our food, the more it stimulates our own activity. 
Thus, Biodynamic farmers and gardeners aim for quality, and not only 
quantity. Biodynamics grows food with a strong connection to a healthy, 
living soil.

Medicine for the Earth: Biodynamic Preparations
Rudolf Steiner pointed out that a new science of cosmic influences would 
have to replace old, instinctive wisdom and superstition. Out of his own 
insight, he introduced what are known as Biodynamic Preparations. Naturally 
occurring plant and animal materials are combined in specific recipes in 
certain seasons of the year and then placed in compost piles. These 
preparations bear concentrated forces within them and are used to organize 
the chaotic elements within the compost piles. When the process is 
complete, the resulting Preparations are medicines for the Earth which draw 
new life forces from the cosmos.  Two of the Preparations are used directly 
in the field, one on the earth before planting, to stimulate soil life, and 
one on the leaves of growing plants to enhance their capacity to receive 
the light.

The Farm as the Basic Unit of Agriculture
In his Agriculture course, Rudolf Steiner posed the ideal of the 
self-contained farm -- that there should be just the right number of 
animals to provide manure for fertility, and these animals should, in turn, 
be fed from the farm. We can seek the essential gesture of such a farm also 
under other circumstances. It has to do with the preservation and recycling 
of the life forces with which we are working. Vegetable waste, manure, 
leaves, food scraps, all contain precious vitality, which can be held and 
put to use for building up the soil if they are handled wisely. Thus, 
composting is a key activity in biodynamic work. The farm is also a 
teacher, and provides the educational opportunity to imitate natures wise 
self-sufficiency within a limited area.

Economics Based On Knowledge of the Job
Steiner emphasized the absurdity of agricultural economics determined by 
people who have never actually raised crops or managed a farm. A new 
approach to this situation has been developed which brings about the 
association of producers and consumers for their mutual benefit. The 
Community Supported Agriculture movement was born in the biodynamic 
movement and is spreading rapidly. Gardens or farms gather around them a 
circle of supporters who agree in advance to meet the financial needs of 
the enterprise and its workers, and these supporters each receive a share 
of the produce as the season progresses. Thus consumers become connected 
with the real needs of the Earth, the farm and the Community; they rejoice 
in rich harvests, and remain faithful under adverse circumstances.

Dave Robison

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