Title: Re: Albrecht System and plant brix testing

What about sources of reasonably priced refractometers in the U.S.?  Anyone
know of any?
Essie Hull

Gempler's our local family owned supply house who ship everywhere.
have 3 prices ranges

Economy Vista is $164.00 it has +-.05 accuracy
Atogo N-1a @ $189.00 has +-.02
and the automatically temperature compensated model
Atago ATC_1E at $330.00

1-800-382-8437  www.gemplers.com

By the By

the Radionic rate of
0.5-72 is for Brix
4.75-3 Xylem
10-44  Vascular Tissue
34.25-34 Parenchyma Tissue
38-22.5 is root

15.5-17.5 Mineral Imbalance
40-68 Mineral Deficiecy
26-41<=>34-84 Acid/ Alkaline balance

Little Farm Research has many more.
Lorraine Cahill has many others

Hope ya get  some snow
In Love & Light

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