Hi! Jane/ Robert/ Allan,
Do you mean scanned with X-Rays, intended to see what is in the mail or
some other radiation, such as Gamma, intended to kill bacteria and like
little beasties?

I doubt if the the normal X-Rays used, would significantly effect most
seeds. When you go through an Airport Security, both you and your baggage
go through this sort of thing.

Irradiation is usually aimed at bacteria, virus and fungi. If this was
being done, there would not be grounds for the Anthrax Scare, but I suspect
that is just a beatup by the US Government, rather than a reality.

If there was a routine process on the mail, that was a risk to the
viability of seeds, there would be an obligation to warn users, as the mail
order distribution of seeds is an established industry.


jsherry wrote:

> Hello,
> does anyone know how to mail a package without it's being irradiated? I
> heard a story about seeds already dying going thru the mail?
> TIA,
> Jane S.

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