Subject: Re: CEC Balancing

Dave - pr'haps Jose got a bit excited but when somebody questions the
validity of Albrecht's work then at least they should please get the
chemistry correct. All my chem books have Mg++

Dave Robinson wrote
> Walter is a very careful researcher and author, (snip) ---if so then he
has made a  goof up in the article.----
> I interpret Walter's article as in no way disagreeing with CEC balancing,
> but as saying there is no evidence for the particular level of Ca that
> Albrecht identified as "ideal". ------  sooooo this is not disagreeing???

Like Jose I believe that there is ample "evidence" to support the work of
Albrecht and also that to be able to criticise it then it is necessary to be
reasonably familiar with what he was saying . Methinks Mr Goldstein should
go read the books --- then look at some farmers who are doing it
successfully --- in the end he would probably conclude that Steiner and
Albrecht had a lot in common .
 Apart from all that, it seems that all concerned here have fallen into the
usual trap and GOT HUNG UP ON THE NUMBERS -- Albrecht's ideal calcium number
is somewhere between 60 and 75 depending on * the lab analysis and there
system for calcium extraction (variable)  *do they include hydrogen as part
of the base exchange--our fertiliser people dont and this can double the
calcium % in some cases-
 * the soil type - sand or heavy clay (variable) * to a lesser extent the
type of crop to be grown (another variable)  and after all that you can have
a chemically correct soil that is energetically and microbially dead and
gives very little result --- or on the other hand a soil with good energy
and microbial activity can be a fair way off the Albrecht balance but have
good functional nutrition and produce very nicely. I think  this is where
the Steiner remedies fit best - in  providing the functionality and lifting
Any other thoughts on this ??
Lloyd Charles

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