>Allan Balliett wrote:
>> A question I have for everyone is "Can't Greg's remedies be readily
>> propagated infinitely?" Since they are potentized, are they not now
>> the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy? I would think they
>> are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more experienced
>> potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a unit from Greg, if
>> you don't spill it, you need never purchase another, but simply dose
>> your own units from that point on.
>This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly these are compounds
>which when further potentised can change their effectiveness and
>secondly potentising develops in waves and so further potentising can
>indeed make them less effective. We have definitely found that reducing
>the desired application rate leads to reduced effect. 'Stealing them'
>thru a radionics device, without changing the potency should work within
>that sphere I guess.
>This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to this discussion. With
>Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work) being 'potentially' so
>easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for us to continue
>working on furthering preparation applications. Why would we bother? and
>how are our overheads and life expenses to be covered by the community
>benefiting so freely from our work?
>in anticipation of the solution

Dear Glen,

As I have observed in the past, your expertise in developing and knowing
the signs of what this and that potency do is your real strength. Once you
make a remedy and put it on the market it is like a Michael Jackson CD, the
Chinese will copy it with no payment of royalties.

Since Greg is on the verge of acusing me of copying his potencies, I will
no longer have anything to do with them, good though they are. The truth is
they should be copied far and wide, and Greg needs to grow up. Everyone
should copy them and enjoy! But Greg is trying to sell his weaknesses
rather than his strengths, so I refuse to buy into his weaknesses. Let him
carry these to the grave.

Please figure out how to sell your strengths. No one can copy them. Tailor
your remedies to each locality and kind of crop. Make making endless
generation of most appropriate remedies your forte. Then you show up the
copiers for their absurd lack of appropriatness. And encourage good
copying, as this will make your reputation. Look at the fashion industry.
All the knock-offs of Christian Dior, Robin Williams and so forth. It has
made Christian Dior and Robin Williams wealthy. Go for it, dude.

Best wishes,
Hugh Lovel

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