Hugh, Alan, Gil and Chris
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I see the value in Hugh and
Alans approaches and will work with them and see what I can do with
Gils comments on 'unknowing messing around' are true to a point however
dowsing and a radionics box could do some wild things. The uniqueness I
see is in the original mixing for a specific task.
This was a question that needed to be asked publically for the community
to consider. 
While I have made general mixes of things, with our 'personal clients'
the mixes are most often specific for the situation, time and weather
circumstance. These would be silly to generally copy.
I am sure there is a way forward, just in a different direction to that
already travelled and that imagined to be travelled. Sounds like another
bit of 'life' taking place.

Chris Shade wrote:
> Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
> that Allan so openly suggested that.
> On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
> already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
> position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
> potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
> would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
> just have to figure that your market is those who
> aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
> some good preps.
> Wishing you market protection and good will from your
> community,
> Chris
> --- Glen Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Allan Balliett wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > A question I have for everyone is "Can't Greg's
> > remedies be readily
> > > propagated infinitely?" Since they are potentized,
> > are they not now
> > > the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
> > I would think they
> > > are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
> > experienced
> > > potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
> > unit from Greg, if
> > > you don't spill it, you need never purchase
> > another, but simply dose
> > > your own units from that point on.
> >
> > This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
> > these are compounds
> > which when further potentised can change their
> > effectiveness and
> > secondly potentising develops in waves and so
> > further potentising can
> > indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
> > found that reducing
> > the desired application rate leads to reduced
> > effect. 'Stealing them'
> > thru a radionics device, without changing the
> > potency should work within
> > that sphere I guess.
> >
> > This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
> > this discussion. With
> > Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
> > being 'potentially' so
> > easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
> > us to continue
> > working on furthering preparation applications. Why
> > would we bother? and
> > how are our overheads and life expenses to be
> > covered by the community
> > benefiting so freely from our work?
> > in anticipation of the solution
> > Glen
> >
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