Original Message From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern
In reply Allan asked
 AND what else is in that broadcaster ??

Hi Wayne - do we assume that you have been putting the BD remedies out in
the broadcaster?? Hopefully before and after the lime treatment. If not it
seems a waste of a good opportunity.

Regarding the sharecropping with friend I would suggest that you get Arden
Andersen's book  "Science in Agriculture"  and both of you read it. Your
scientific friend could easily mess up (probably will) trying to go organic
on old pasture land with its huge weed seed population. The eco farmer
approach may be enough to get him off the hook without doing a lot of damage
to your land. There are some excellent tactics which are non toxic but not
politically correct organically. F'r instance I have seen (done it) weed
control almost as good as toxic herbicides, using a mixture of calcium
nitrate and molasses after seeding  - 2 kg + 4 litres / ha in water. There
are many other things that can be done to get a decent result for both of
you without doing damage to the soil. Believe me you do NOT want this guy
putting atrazine out!
Take care
Lloyd Charles

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