More from the land of oz  - I found this lurking uncompleted on My desktop -
(Delete is just above the left cursor key if its too out of date)

 Gil Robertson wrote

> dowsing allows a quick and reliable way of accessing
> information, which come from we know not where. Some need to climb a
mountain and
> talk to a burning bush, some talk to the little people, but some of us
choose to
> use a pendulum. While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if
> with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many
properties, as
> Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.

I think we need to keep reminding ourselves that we are all at different
levels, (of our farming practices and personal development). I think that
there are some basic rules that are the foundations of what we are trying to
do and as long as we stay within those boundaries that most people are going
to get a pleasing and beneficial result with very little risk of damage. -
Basic stir and spray BD will deliver the goods if done with good
observation, some common sense, and maybe a little outside advice for some.
When / if we start to look at potentised remedies, the work of the Koliskos
and Maria Thun
if a good basis from which to begin - this basic work  says to be very
careful with certain potencies of certain things.
When we start to extend the boundaries of what we are doing then we also
need to extend the scope of our information system - we can engage the
services of Gil, Glen or James, Hugh etc and in many cases that is the
correct choice,  OR we can follow along a few steps behind these fellows
learning as we go and buying enough of their expertise to keep them going
but at the same time freeing them from the mundane stuff so that the whole
movement progresses at a much faster rate. In either case it is going to
cost us something
Dowsing is a simple tool that most people can do easily - why not add it to
the tool kit and use it - sure there are potential problems - but no more
than "intuition" or talking to the little people - they have been known to
play tricks at times

L Charles

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